A sequel to the extremely popular I Adulted: Stickers for Grown-Ups, I Adulted at Work! is a whimsically illustrated book containing 250 removable stickers that congratulate supposed grown-ups on a job well done . . . or at least a job done.Despite official reports, most adults feel completely and totally ill-prepared to deal. With anything. They still, as purportedly self-sufficient grown-ups, look toward older generations and think, "How did they do that?" So the easiest and best way to find comfort is to look not ahead at uncertainty (or, heaven forbid, around at the chaos currently surrounding them), but to the past to their simpler childhoods. And it is with brightly colored stickers in the workplace that they will finally find peace of mind. For a little while, at least. Filled with 250 full-color removable stickers that can be used to decorate journals, notebooks, or your lapel to proudly and publicly proclaim work life's little victories, I Adulted at Work! is the ideal nostalgic and practical book for anyone who feels a sense of accomplishment by making it through a day on the job without calling their mother for help.
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