The year is 1997, and crime on the Moon runs rampant...and in the Lunar colony of Buzztown, a billionaire's daughter has just gone missing. Washed-up private investigator Daniel Schwinn is tasked with finding the missing child, but in the process discovers a dark conspiracy stemming back decades... Schwinn will have to navigate a world of undead drug addicts, mechanized robocops, and blue-skinned Soviets known as Darksiders to discover the truth. In doing so, he'll have to confront his own allegiances, and try to atone for past mistakes since resurfaced. Missing on the Moon is your next neon-noir obsession, brought to you by writer Cory Crater (The Codex) and artist Damian Couceiro (X-Force, Ghost Rider 2099, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).
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