A classic early tale of the Spider-Verse inspired by manga!The world-famous wall-crawler gets a manga makeover! When his uncle — Benjamin-sensei, the leader of the Spider-Clan — was murdered in cold blood by Venom himself, young Peter Parker became the last surviving Spider-Ninja. Having been trained in the martial arts since birth, Peter choses to emerge from the shadows and take his crimefighting public. But to protect his identity and the lives of the people he loves, he decides to wear a mask to hide his face. Mild-mannered Peter just never expected the great lengths he would have to go to in order to keep his alter ego as the high-flying costumed hero Spider-Man hidden from his Aunt May and his girlfriend, Mary Jane. It’s hard enough being a teenager by day — being a clandestine super-hero ninja at night is another story! Plus: When Peter is attacked at Ben’s grave site, he goes on a quest to uncover the truth behind his origins — and he won't like what he learns!COLLECTING: Spider-Man: Legend of the Spider-Clan (2002) 1-5, Spider-Man Family Featuring Spider-Clan (2006)